How to Install Softaculous Using the Terminal on AlmaLinux? (Step 9)

Softaculous simplifies installing and managing web applications on your VPS or dedicated server. While it’s commonly installed via a control panel, you can also install it directly through the terminal. Follow these steps to install Softaculous on your server.

Important Prerequisite: IonCube Loader

Softaculous requires IonCube Loader. Ensure that IonCube Loader is configured before proceeding. For setup instructions, refer to this IonCube Loader setup guide.

Step 1: Access Your Server via SSH

Open your terminal and connect to your server using SSH. Replace your_username and your_server_ip with your actual credentials:

ssh your_username@your_server_ip

Enter your password when prompted.

Step 2: Install Softaculous

You can download and install Softaculous using a single command:

wget -N
chmod 755

Alternatively, you can perform the installation in three separate steps:

  • Download the Softaculous installation script:
  • wget -N
  • Set Permissions for the script:
  • chmod 755
  • Run the Installer:
  • ./

During the installation, you may be prompted to enter your Softaculous license details. If you don’t have a license, you can opt for demo mode.

Step 3: Verify the Installation

To confirm that Softaculous is installed:

  • Visit your control panel URL and append /softaculous (e.g.,
  • If the installation was successful, you will see the Softaculous interface.


You’ve successfully installed Softaculous on your VPS or dedicated server. This tool will streamline the process of managing and installing web applications, making your server management more efficient.
