How to Install JetBackup 5 using terminal on AlmaLinux? (Step 11)

JetBackup 5 is a powerful backup solution for your AlmaLinux VPS or dedicated server. This guide will walk you through the installation and configuration process.

Step 1: Install the JetApps Repository

To begin, install the JetApps Repository, which provides the necessary packages for JetBackup 5. Run the following command:

bash <(curl -LSs

Step 2: Install JetBackup 5

After setting up the repository, install JetBackup 5 with the following command:

jetapps --install jetbackup5-cpanel stable

Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

Step 3: Access JetBackup 5

Once installed, access the JetBackup 5 interface by navigating to:


Log in to WHM and locate JetBackup under the Plugin section.

Step 4: Initial Setup

When you first open JetBackup, you’ll need to agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA). After accepting, you’ll be presented with the Disaster Recovery Wizard.

Disaster Recovery Wizard

The Disaster Recovery Wizard provides three options:

  • New Installation: Resets any existing configuration and loads the default settings.
  • Recover from Disaster: Restores your configuration from a backup destination. Ensure you have the Master Encryption Key saved.
  • Exit DR: Keeps the current configuration and loads the JetBackup panel.

Select New Installation to proceed with the initial setup.

Step 5: Configure Backup Destinations

After setting up JetBackup, you’ll want to configure your backup destinations. You can choose between local or S3-compatible storage.

Local Backup Destination

  • Navigate to JetBackup 5 in WHM.
  • Go to Destinations and click Create New Destination.
  • Select Local as the destination type.
  • Specify the directory path where backups will be stored.
  • Save the configuration.

S3-Compatible Backup Destination (Recommended)

  • In the JetBackup interface, go to Destinations and click Create New Destination.
  • Select S3 Compatible as the destination type.
  • Enter your S3 credentials, including the access key, secret key, and bucket name.
  • Specify the directory path in the bucket where backups will be stored.
  • Save the configuration.

Step 6: Configure Manage Schedules

Managing schedules is crucial for automating your backup process. To configure backup schedules:

  • Go to JetBackup 5 in WHM.
  • Navigate to Schedules and click Create New Schedule.
  • Choose the backup frequency (daily, weekly, etc.) and set the time for the backup to run.
  • Select the destinations you configured earlier.
  • Save the schedule.

Step 7: Configure Backup Jobs

Now, create and manage backup jobs to define what data will be backed up:

  • In JetBackup 5, go to Backup Jobs and click Create New Job.
  • Select Destinations: Choose the local or S3-compatible destination where you want to store your backups.
  • Select Backup Structure: Set the backup structure to Compressed to save space.
  • Retry Failed Items: Set this option to Yes to automatically retry backing up items that fail initially.
  • Select Accounts or Data: Choose the specific accounts or data you want to include in your backups.
  • Select Schedules: Define the backup schedule according to your needs, ensuring regular backups are performed.


By following these steps, you have successfully installed and configured JetBackup 5 on your AlmaLinux server, including setting up local or S3-compatible backup destinations. This setup ensures your server’s data is securely backed up and easily recoverable.
