How to Perfectly Configure Tweak Settings? (Step 8)

Fine-tuning Tweak Settings is crucial for a well-optimized server. Follow this guide to configure the most essential settings with precision.

1. Access WHM

Log in to WHM: Use your root credentials to access the WebHost Manager (WHM) interface. Open your web browser and navigate to https://your-server-ip:2087 or https://your-domain:2087.

2. Navigate to Tweak Settings

Find Tweak Settings: Once logged into WHM, go to Server Configuration in the sidebar, then click on Tweak Settings.

3. Display Tab

Number of accounts per page to display in “List Accounts: The “List Accounts” section displays 30 accounts per page by default. For better visibility and easier management, increase this to 50.

4. Domains Tab

Allow Remote Domains: Off by default, this setting needs to be enabled to allow hosting domains not registered with your server.
Allow Unregistered Domains: Also off by default. Turn this on to permit users to add domains without prior registration.
Restrict document roots to public_html This setting is enabled by default. For more flexibility in managing files, disable it to allow document roots outside the public_html directory.
Service subdomains: By default, this is enabled. It creates proxy subdomains (like automatically. Adjust this setting based on your preference.

5. Mail Tab

Max hourly emails per domain: Limit the number of emails sent per hour to 20 or 30 for shared servers. This helps prevent abuse and ensures fair resource distribution.

Number of emails a domain may send per day before the system sends a notification: In the “Number of emails a domain may send per day before the system sends a notification” setting, you can set this to 500. The default is unlimited, but setting a specific limit can help monitor email usage and detect potential spam issues.
Select the action for the system to take on an email account when it detects a potential spammer: The default action is set to “Take no action” when the system detects a potential spammer. You can change this to either Hold outgoing mail or Reject outgoing mail based on your security requirements.

6. Packages Tab

Default disk usage quota for new packages: Set the default disk quota for new packages. 1024 MB SSD package is a practical starting point, though you can customize it as needed.

7. PHP Tab

cPanel PHP max execution time:Set to 90 seconds by default. Increase this if your scripts require longer execution times.
cPanel PHP memory limit: The default is 128 MB. Depending on your requirements, increase it to 256 MB or 512 MB.
cPanel PHP max POST size: With a default of 55 MB, consider raising this to 256 MB or 512 MB for larger data submissions.
cPanel PHP max upload size: The default is 50 MB. Increase this to 256 MB or 512 MB to accommodate larger uploads.
cPanel PHP loader: Both ionCube and SourceGuardian are disabled by default. Enable them to support encrypted PHP files.

8. Security Tab

Cookie IP Validation: This setting is set to “Strict” by default. For increased flexibility, you can disable the “Share” option, but maintaining “Strict” ensures tighter security.


By carefully adjusting these Tweak Settings, you optimize your server for both performance and security. Regularly review and adjust these settings as your needs evolve.
